How do I know if my teen needs counseling

How Do I Know If My Teen Needs Counseling?

Parents often wonder, “How do I know if my teen needs counseling?” It can feel as though your teen could be going through the typical challenges of just the teenage years or what if it’s just a phase?  These questions constantly plague parents.   In this blog we will go over: As a therapist, we want…

The Vaping Epidemic Among Teens and How to Fight Back

The Vaping Epidemic Among Teens and How to Fight Back

Vaping is creating a major problem for teens and families. It feels like this year there have been more teens stating that they are vaping and how “cool” it is. It doesn’t matter if your teenager is a star athlete, a brainiac, or just a teen being a teen, every teenager is susceptible to vaping….

Helping Teens to Have Healthy Romantic Relationships

Helping Teens to Have Healthy Romantic Relationships

With the recent Valentine’s Day holiday, it is important to bring up what in fact makes a relationship healthy versus unhealthy. Many teens and young adults do not think about the expectations they have for relationships when they begin to feel attraction to peers. It is important to educate teens about understanding what they want…

Tackling Poor Grades In Your Teen: Not Your Typical Approach on Teens
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Tackling Poor Grades In Your Teen: Not Your Typical Approach on Teens

The pressure to bring home good grades can lead to constant tension and frustration in the home for both the parent & the teen. We know that poor grades can lead to low self-esteem in students, and, as a parent, it’s easy to get caught up worrying about your teen’s future when they aren’t performing…

TEEN DATING:  My Friends Are Dating, But I’m Not.  What is Wrong with me? #AbsolutelyNothing

TEEN DATING: My Friends Are Dating, But I’m Not. What is Wrong with me? #AbsolutelyNothing

We all have those friends that seem to always be in relationships. When you’re the only single friend, it can be difficult to be around friends who seem so blissfully happy in their relationships. If you’re constantly surrounded by couples, it’s easy to slip into the “What’s wrong with me?” line of thinking. Even if…