If I have a friend that I think needs your help can I give them your information?2017-09-05T00:03:53-05:00

This is up to you! Some teens do not mind their friends knowing that they are in counseling and others are uncomfortable with that idea. I have business cards in the waiting room and you are always welcome to take a card. You don’t even have to ask!

What if I don’t feel like you are helping me?2017-09-05T00:01:37-05:00

You have two options: Tell your parents and they can consider a different counselor for you or communicate that to me and I can change my strategies. Sometimes through our conversation we may decide that I am not the best fit and I will refer you and your family to another counselor. There are times in which you may not be in tune with the changes you have made such as decreasing in anger, pushing through your anxiety, communicating more with others, or just feeling better about you. There are also instances where things get worse before they get better. Either option you choose I respect as it is your time!! Not every teacher is great for every student and not every counselor is great for every person.

How long do I have to see you?2017-09-04T23:55:40-05:00

It varies greatly! I have seen someone for one session and have not recommended continuing services. I have seen some clients for just a couple of appointments. Then, I have had some that need weekly counseling services for a substantial amount of time. There are others that love coming so much that they want to continue to see me! No matter how long you are in counseling, I want you to leave counseling feeling like you gained something from the experience.

Are you going to be just like my parents and agree with everything they say?2017-09-04T23:57:09-05:00

No…Counseling isn’t about me telling you what to do with your life; it’s about helping you find you. I will ask you questions, I will help you to see things from all perspectives. Sometimes you find that your parents are wrong and you were wrong too. I will challenge you to begin working towards the adult you want to be treated as and help you to find ways to communicate your feelings in a healthier way. I will be a guide or a mentor, but ultimately you will decide the steps you need to take for you.

My parents want a family session. What if I am not ready for family counseling?2017-09-04T23:52:35-05:00

Family counseling can truly help remove the tension and anger in the home. It can be very rewarding, but it can also yield a lot of emotions and feelings including yelling, screaming, and crying. I respect your wishes on not doing family counseling, but we will still work on family issues in individual counseling. There have been some clients that I have asked to be open to family counseling because I could see that things would get worse otherwise and some have listened and others were too afraid to take the leap. It is your decision, my goal is to help you find ways to improve YOUR life.

Will you tell my parents what we talk about?2017-09-04T23:50:59-05:00

No, but I am required to tell a parent or guardian if I am concerned that you are going to hurt yourself or someone else. Counseling does not work if there is no trust. I want you to trust me and know that what we talk about is safe. Parents love you and often they feel better when getting some form of an update on progress, but you would be surprised how many parents adjust quickly to not asking as they just want the best for you. If you are under the age of 12 years old, your parents can know more information about our counseling sessions. I have had kids ask for information to not be told to their parents who are under 12 and I respect that if it does not interfere with progress.

How long does therapy take?2017-09-04T23:48:03-05:00

It varies greatly! I have seen someone for one session and have not recommended continuing services. I have also seen some clients for just a few months after which they learned how to resolve their problems. I have some clients that need weekly counseling services to help with reducing their symptoms and maintaining stability at home and or at school. I have had others who enjoy coming so much that they want to schedule services even though their problems have been resolved! In any case, the initial appointment is when we decide how much your son or daughter needs to come.

Should I be considering medication for my son or daughter?2017-09-04T23:40:26-05:00

It depends on the problem area. The most common reasons for needing medication is help with ADHD symptoms or to help with reducing anxiety, sadness, or mood swings. I do not provide any recommendations in terms of the type of medication that should be prescribed as this is the job of the pediatrician, general doctor, or psychiatrist. If the circumstances are warranted, I will give you referral information where you can get an assessment and medications that are necessary.

How long before I start to see results?2017-09-04T23:37:03-05:00

Every person is different. It really depends on: the motivational level of the teen, the willingness of the teen to work on problem areas outside of counseling, and how quickly your son or daughter and I can form a relationship.  I usually see positive results in a month which generally is better communication between the parents and teen, reduced teen/parent confrontation and arguments, and overall a much happier and confident teen.  I do not need to see your teen forever! I want them to make progress and move on with their lives. If I am not the best suited to help your teen, then don’t worry as I will provide referrals to other counselors in the area who have the necessary skills to best help your teen.

What if you do not accept my insurance?2017-09-04T23:37:53-05:00

I can provide you with a superbill which allows you to submit it through your insurance for reimbursement. Each insurance company is different on how much reimbursement they provide. It is important for you to call your insurance company to see how much you will be receiving back.

I also have self-pay rates:

  • Initial Assessment – $150 for 1 hour
  • Individual or Family Session – $100 per hour
  • Attending IEP meetings – $150 per hour
Do you take my insurance?2017-09-04T23:38:16-05:00

I am in network with BlueCross BlueShield, Magellan Behavioral Health, and United Behavioral Health.  We always recommend that you verify with your insurance company your benefits to understand your copay or deductible.  Regardless, we will be checking your health benefits and we will inform you how much services will cost you.

What information do I receive about my son or daughter and how counseling is going?2017-09-04T23:38:45-05:00

It depends on your son or daughter’s age. If a child is 12 and up, Illinois recognizes that your child has rights and can decide who is part of their counseling treatment and what information provided. This may seem like a young age, but confidentiality is designed to help protect your son or daughter and help them feel more comfortable and open. Most middle school kids want their parents to be informed. High school kids are less likely to want to share information, and most parents can relate as they wouldn’t want to share everything with their parents when they were in high school. This type of control over their own privacy helps me build a relationship with your son or daughter, hold them more accountable, and, if they are making poor choices, encourage them to change these behaviors to help them have a better future and relationship with their parents.

How do I know my son or daughter really needs therapy?2017-09-04T23:53:15-05:00

Therapy is provided to someone that is struggling either emotionally or behaviorally. Emotional difficulties are symptomatic of having difficulty with worries, fears, sadness, or guilt. Also, some show a lack of emotion which often may cause concerns with understanding other’s emotions. Behavioral concerns can vary from disconnecting socially, showing anger and/or aggression, or not taking responsibility for actions just to name a few. Both emotional and behavioral problems will happen for everyone, but when it causes problems at school, home, work, or managing the stresses of everyday life, then counseling can be very beneficial. These problems might not only be problematic to your teen, but also for the parents. Parents often get frustrated which can lead to arguments with each other on how to better discipline or correct their teens attitude or behavior. Such conflict rarely addresses or helps the underlying issues that the teen is failing to handle on their own. Counseling can help in these instances.

As long as one keeps searching, the answers come. – Joan Baez


100 Batson Court Suite 206
New Lenox, Illinois 60451

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday: 1pm to 9pm 
 Weekends: Closed


Tel: 1-815-409-5940
Fax: 1-800-123-4567

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