Trauma is a horrible experience that can occur in one single event or be endured over a period of time that can lead to an overwhelming experience of feeling a threat to his or her life, body integrity, or that of a friend of family member.  Trauma can be hard for anyone to try and recover from and this is why counseling treatment is recommended.   Trauma events can be any of the following: sexual abuse or assault, physical abuse or assault, emotional abuse, neglect, serious accident or illness, domestic violence or witnessing domestic violence, community violence, school violence or bullying, natural disasters, war, or grief/separation.

Your teen may be experiencing:

nightmares or flashbacks

worried thoughts and/or panic

feeling out of control

numbness, irritability, and/or anger


low self-esteem


distorted thinking of one’s self or body

Counseling can help your teen by :

reducing shame and self-blame

increasing self-esteem

learning new coping skills

reducing painful memories

improving communication

increasing overall functioning/stability

decreasing avoidant behaviors

rebuilding a sense of self