Forming relationships whether it be friends or dating are not easy.  Often teens express difficulty either connecting or socializing with others or worries on how to navigate dating.  There are tons of pressure to be in the “right crowd” or to just be dating someone regardless of if it is a healthy relationship or not.  Most teens do not realize how damaging one bad friendship or dating relationship can be on their self-esteem.  Teens may display signs of depression, anxiety, and be irritable because of their relationships or the lack of them.  It is important to help teens learn how to form healthy relationships to set them up for success now and in the future.  Counseling can help your teen feel better and learn how to have healthy relationships. Teens have stated, “I got out of that relationship after talking to you,” or “I didn’t realize I’d be so happy after ending it,” and “I talked to someone new today and it wasn’t that bad.” I want your teen to feel more assertive and confident in themselves. Sometimes, teens just want any relationship they can get because it’s so important to feel and be social at this stage of life.

Your teen may be experiencing:

loneliness and/or isolation

worried thoughts


difficulty initiating a conversation


putting bf/gf before responsibilities

low self-esteem

anger or irritability over not seeing partner or friends

Counseling can help your teen by :

learning to engage in conversation

increasing self-esteem

learning new coping skills

increasing problem-solving and compromising

improving communication

removing unhealthy relationships

decreasing family tension stemming from social problems

becoming more assertive