Struggling to feel happy? Feeling blah, or downright negative lately? Finding it hard to see any positive things about your day? You might be having a depressed mood. Life can be difficult at times. It can cause us to become an Eeyore with the raincloud constantly hanging overhead.

You can Find the Positives

What if I told you there are ways you can find something positive in every day, even if it is something small? Well, there is! It takes practice, diligence, and patience. But there is hope that you can make your brain focus more on positives instead of on the negatives of your day.

The acronym is GLAD. I don’t mean just tell yourself to be GLAD all the time. Each letter stands for a very important aspect of positives in your day.

  1. G- stands for grateful: This can be as simple as being grateful for water, food, or your pet. The possibilities are endless.
  2. L- stands for learned: What did you learn today? It can be anything. I learned today that a dog’s whiskers on their faces are used to help them maneuver their surroundings. And I thought they were just for old men! (Ha-ha)
  3. A- stands for accomplished or achieved. It can be something as small as showering or eating meals. Maybe it is getting the grade you were hoping for on a test!
  4. D- stands for delight: What made you happy today or delighted you? Did you eat something yummy? Watch a cute corgi video online? Witness someone doing a random act of kindness? That is taking delight in!

Focusing on the Positive

These small details about your day can be important. Train your brain to reflect on the small and even large things in your day that did go right, even if you dropped your ice-cream or your dog ate your homework. This GLAD acronym can be journaled, shared around the family dinner table, texted to a friend or loved one, and even entered your phone notes to reflect on.

Share your GLAD

I find that sharing my GLAD with another person at a specific time of the day keeps me accountable for reflecting on the positives in my day. It takes practice, being non-judgmental with yourself, and time! You may not feel better after doing your first GLAD or may feel even a little silly. With time you will learn that you are training your brain to find positives each day, regardless of the problems you might face.

Start feeling more positive with using G-L-A-D today!

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