Ever feel like Garfield the Cat and dread the ever dreadful day of the week, better known as Mondays? I’ve been there, and even experienced the feelings of dread today. It starts with my thought process of what do I have that needs to get done this week, and where do I start? It can cause me to become anxious about the week, as well as start my week on the wrong footing.

The Day I Knew What I Needed to Change

So what can be done? First, let me tell you about the day I realized I could not keep waking up each Monday with dread and angst. The day starts it’s Monday morning, I knew I had time to ease into my day is that I didn’t work until about 4 pm that day. I decided to snooze my alarm for 30 more minutes. I began to dream, though I did not remember my dream once that dreaded alarm on my phone began to ring.
I supposed it was time to get up, plus the dog needed to be fed and let out. It was time I got my day started. I stumbled out of bed and grumbled at my dog it was time to get up. I slowly made my way downstairs and began to heat up my normal cup of tea. I sat in the quietness of the kitchen, listening to the snow melting, and stared out into the gray and white outside my window. Then the panic of I has to get moving set in. I remembered I had billing due, blogs to write, laundry to finish, and a kitchen to clean. All before going to work this afternoon.

I Started to Panic

I supposed I could put off my workout, put off my Bible devotions, and skip my shower. I felt miserable. I sat at the counter and tried to decide which task I wanted to accomplish first. But then, my phone rang, it was my mom. She needed to vent about my grandpa with dementia who always seems to give her grief. An hour passes, and I tell her I need to go. I now have three hours until I have to work. The panic sets in. I need to get moving I tell myself. I start to write, but then a client calls to reschedule.
It is now an hour and a half until I have to work. I flip the laundry over and decide to get dressed for work and put some makeup on. Feeling already exhausted and filled with dread I run out the door to get to work. At work, I begin to feel settled into the usual routine, but as I return home I begin to remember all I still need to do. Plus, I need to spend time with my husband, walk the dog, and hopefully scarf down some food.

Then I saw the Answer

It is now 11 pm, I can’t sleep, everything on my to-do list is on my mind. I eventually fall asleep and repeat the day I had yesterday. I begin to wonder, “Where is it that I am lacking?” and “Why can I not get it together on Mondays to start my week?” Then it dawned on me, I never took the time to allow myself to have the self-care I needed. My mindset was off because I never allowed myself the time to get my head clear of the to-do list and keep a routine.

What I Learned From Monday Dread

3 tips you can take away from my story of the Monday dread is to:
1. Never sacrifice your self-care for other to-do list items: Whatever you don’t get to in the day can always be done the next day. Be realistic in your expectations for yourself.
2. Keep a routine and stick to it
3. Always, no matter what, make yourself have something to look forward to in each day.

You Can Look Forward to Each New Week

Keeping these tips in mind, you will begin to look forward to a new week of new chances to grow, as well as have positive experiences. A quote a client shared with me this week that made me reflect on my own week was, “Each day may not be a good one, but there is good in every day”. Remind yourself that no matter what kind of day or week you are having there is still good to look forward to in each day!

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