Have you ever felt like you cannot concentrate no matter how hard you try? It seems like life is passing you by, but all you can think of is your worry. Let me be the first to tell you that I have been there. There have been several things on my to-do list as well as dealing with my own anxieties in my life. Things can easily slip through the cracks and leave me feeling like I cannot turn my thoughts off.

Taking a Break

There was one morning I woke up and decided to end the crazy cycle of worrying about my to-do lists and worrying if I have checked all my work emails. I decided to sit in the silence and just breathe. I told myself I cannot keep going at the pace I am working at, and I need to take a break. I will tell you that it wasn’t easy. I felt like a horse wanting to bust out of its’ stall to get things done, but instead, I told myself to sit and be silent.

Be Still

One of my life quotes that my mom instilled in me was to just “Be Still”. It comes from a place of being still in your own thoughts, movements, and taking a momentary break to find a calm place in my mind. For me, it looks like channeling my energy into stopping, breathing, sitting still, and maybe even closing my eyes for a moment.

I began to remind myself each day to “Be Still” no matter what kind of day I am having. It helps me to be more mindful, present, and ultimately more aware of my feelings. It has helped to take a mental break from the stress of a busy day approaching and help me recenter myself. I sometimes use this time to pray, to notice tension in my body, and to even stretch!

Practice, Practice, Practice

It takes a lot of practice to retrain your mind to stop when all it wants to do is to race. Try not to get frustrated when you find your mind wandering in your stillness time. It is normal to have thoughts wander but remind your brain to come back to the present and focus on your breathing. It has helped me through even the worst days and has given me a sense of calm in my ever busy schedule.

Tips for Being Still

Here are 5 tips I’ve tried to help myself to “Be Still”:

  1. Focus your attention on your breathing: Slow your breath to a relaxed pace. Focus on how the air feels going through your nose and mouth.
  2. Close your eyes: Focus on your attention on a peaceful or positive image in your mind. I like to pretend I’m standing on a beach looking out at the waves.
  3. Pray or remember a positive quote: This works whether you’re religious or not. Giving power over to God or reminding yourself of a positive mantra or quote can help you to feel calmer in the moment.
  4. Stretch: Stretch out those sore or tense muscles, center yourself in a comfortable position, maybe even lie down.
  5. Put your technology down: Put away your phone, tablet or computer device away in another room or on silent in your bag or drawer. Taking the temptation a way of technology will help you to feel less stressed or tempted to check them.

Relaxing Even When Stressed

As you start to use mindfulness in your everyday practice, you will be on your way to becoming more relaxed in even the most stressful of days.

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