Let’s face it, there are always new styles, “In” ideas for fashion, makeup, and societal expectations. What if I told you that in a world that tells people how to dress, how to talk, and how to express yourself on social media that it is ok to be different? You may have been feeling like you don’t fit in, and that there is not a social group out there that you feel you are a part of.

Be Yourself!

Here’s the thing, you can be uniquely you! That is something our world misses. Every culture shares their own unique values, style, and way of life that has been brought into this world and developed over time. Junior high and high school students often feel they need to wear certain clothes, use certain makeup, use certain phrases to seem cool. Yet they never ask themselves why they do these things.
Many students also never ask themselves why? Why do they conform, why do they give in to peer pressures, why do they not just be themselves? It can be difficult to stand out from the crowd, to go against the status quo, and even be different from their own family.

Here are a Few Tips to Become Uniquely and Genuinely You:

1. Never apologize for who you are: You can have your own thoughts about things. You can have opinions, beliefs, and values that are different from your family and friends. Never apologize for it!
2. Embrace your differences: Embrace that you have freckles, dimples, moles, a crooked nose, or uneven eyebrows. All these things make you a unique human. There is beauty in your features that you may see as flaws.
3. Create your own style: Ignore the social structures that tell you that you must wear blue because you’re male, or makeup because you’re female. You can wear, dress, and express yourself the way you feel. If you are artsy be artsy, even if your sister is the traditional girly girl that loves high heels and makeup.
4. Affirmations: Every day affirm to yourself in the mirror at least one thing you like about yourself and your appearance.
5. Remember: You are the author of your life story and serve a unique purpose in this world. There is only one of you, and that makes you stand out.
6. Outward appearances aren’t everything: Have you ever met a beautiful person that had an ugly heart? This person may have other struggles going on you may not know about. Value yourself for having a beautiful heart in a sometimes-ugly world of hate.
7. Size doesn’t matter: Remember, healthy is more important than skinny or overweight. Sizes vary from person to person for a few things, many being genetics or body types. Even sizes of clothes vary according to the designers of the clothing. Trust me, I wear anything from a size 10 to a size 13 on a weekly basis because of different designers.
8. Celebrate you: Be courageous and take pride in your differences. Find that one thing about yourself that stands out and be proud! Maybe you tell the best jokes, are a supportive friend, have the best cooking skills, or know how to find the best fun over breaks. Whatever your unique strengths or talents are, celebrate them!
9. Stay true to you: The world will test you repeatedly and will make you question yourself. Plant your feet steady on the ground and remind yourself your worth and value. The world needs you in it.
10. Trust: Trust your story. You will develop and change over time. I remember hating my hair, and once I got older, I embraced my curls and stopped hating them. I learned I would rather have healthy hair than fried and damaged hair from over-straightening my hair to fight my curls.

Embrace Your Unique Self!

You will develop and change and have different likes and dislikes over time. It is ok to experiment and try new styles. I did, and you can too! Parents do have rules, and you do need to respect those rules. But I do challenge you to have honest talks with your parents about your style and who you want to be. My hope is they will listen to understand and help you embrace the unique YOU in your life story.
For more help or for other resources for self-esteem give us a call and we would be happy to support your journey to finding your unique self!

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