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So far Davis-Smith Mental Health has created 44 blog entries.

Why Parents Should Provide Teens a Valentine’s Day Gift

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that is set up for couples to show their love to one another. At least, that’s the message that teens are given. When you are in elementary school Valentine’s Day you were expected to give everyone a card and bring some type of snack

By |2020-10-30T15:00:46-05:00January 29, 2019|Comments Off on Why Parents Should Provide Teens a Valentine’s Day Gift

Teen Anxiety and Change

Change can be difficult for many individuals due to the uncertainty about the future. To change often means that the things one was once used to are going to be different. This can push people out of their comfort zones. The thing with change is that it cannot be

By |2020-10-30T15:08:15-05:00January 22, 2019|Comments Off on Teen Anxiety and Change

Celebrity Mental Health and Teens

We live in a world of social media and stardom. It’s constantly flooding our televisions, phones, magazines, and computers. It is hard to go anywhere and not hear about celebrity deaths, overdoses, breakups, and drug use. Did you know that reading about these celebrity headlines could be affecting your

By |2020-10-30T15:08:29-05:00January 8, 2019|Comments Off on Celebrity Mental Health and Teens

Change Your Mindset: Positive Practices for Teens

Struggling to feel happy? Feeling blah, or downright negative lately? Finding it hard to see any positive things about your day? You might be having a depressed mood. Life can be difficult at times. It can cause us to become an Eeyore with the raincloud constantly hanging overhead. You

By |2020-10-30T15:08:36-05:00January 1, 2019|Comments Off on Change Your Mindset: Positive Practices for Teens

Getting Through the Holidays

Holidays can be a fun time of celebrations, family, friends, and cheer for many! Yet for others, the holidays can bring sadness, a depressed mood, fear, guilt, stress, and even anxiety. Holidays can be difficult for a number of reasons. Maybe you have to deal with difficult family members.

By |2020-10-30T15:08:49-05:00December 18, 2018|Comments Off on Getting Through the Holidays

Tips to Avoid Finals Anxiety

It is that time of year again, getting ready for the holidays, getting excited about all the celebrations. Yet there are those ever-daunting finals in the way of all the excitement. Are you starting to feel worried, calculating all your points in class, or worrying you may not get

By |2020-10-30T15:08:59-05:00December 12, 2018|Comments Off on Tips to Avoid Finals Anxiety

Dealing with Conflict

Have you ever been in an argument with a friend or other peers, and not known how to handle it? Many fear conflict and avoid it at all costs. Many times people don’t know what to say or do if they disagree. The opposite can also happen where things

By |2020-10-30T15:09:07-05:00December 5, 2018|Comments Off on Dealing with Conflict

Disconnecting from Technology

Have you ever felt like you can never disconnect from technology? It could be work, school, your teen calling/texting you, or demands from other family members. Teens are particularly attached to their phones. Sometimes phones are an outlet for friendships, social media, and games. The Disadvantages of Technology for

By |2020-10-30T15:10:03-05:00November 20, 2018|Comments Off on Disconnecting from Technology

How to Build Resilient Teens

Teens are the every growing population that many parents and teachers struggle with knowing how to help. Teens are suffering more and more from anxiety and depressive disorders than ever before. Teens frequently are uncertain how to manage and experience emotions, and deal with everyday life stressors. Resiliency is

By |2020-10-30T15:09:56-05:00November 14, 2018|Comments Off on How to Build Resilient Teens

Pleasing Others When it’s Time to Say “No”

Do you find yourself frequently saying “Yes” when others ask for something (time, favors, money, etc.) from you? Do you find it hard to say no? Do you feel guilty if you do? You’re probably having trouble with people pleasing.What does it mean to be a people pleaser? According

By |2020-10-30T15:10:23-05:00August 17, 2018|Comments Off on Pleasing Others When it’s Time to Say “No”

Tackling Poor Grades In Your Teen: Not Your Typical Approach on Teens

The pressure to bring home good grades can lead to constant tension and frustration in the home for both the parent & the teen. We know that poor grades can lead to low self-esteem in students, and, as a parent, it’s easy to get caught up worrying about your

By |2020-10-30T15:01:20-05:00July 17, 2018|Comments Off on Tackling Poor Grades In Your Teen: Not Your Typical Approach on Teens

Your Teen Is…

Life is this incredible, beautiful journey of trying to find out who we are, what we want, and the people we want in our lives.   We may search our entire life to find out who we are and still never recognize our strengths. In counseling, I focus on

By |2020-10-30T15:02:02-05:00July 10, 2018|Comments Off on Your Teen Is…

TEEN DATING: My Friends Are Dating, But I’m Not. What is Wrong with me? #AbsolutelyNothing

We all have those friends that seem to always be in relationships. When you’re the only single friend, it can be difficult to be around friends who seem so blissfully happy in their relationships. If you’re constantly surrounded by couples, it’s easy to slip into the “What’s wrong with

By |2020-10-30T15:01:43-05:00July 3, 2018|Comments Off on TEEN DATING: My Friends Are Dating, But I’m Not. What is Wrong with me? #AbsolutelyNothing
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