

My journey into counseling was ignited by a profound appreciation for the pivotal role mental health plays in our daily lives. The spark that initially ignited my passion for this field came from a psychology course I took during my school days. This eye-opening experience allowed me to recognize the profound connection between the well-being of our minds and that of our bodies. Just as our bodies can experience ailments, so too can our minds, and it is through counseling that we can obtain the essential care needed to ensure the health of our mental faculties. This revelation fascinated me, leaving me with an unwavering desire to become a counselor.

In my role as a counselor, my mission is to continually emphasize the significance of nurturing our mental well-being. I firmly believe that children, in particular, undergo a transformative period in their lives, often overlooked by others. This is the juncture at which they begin to shape their identities and determine how they wish to engage with the world around them.

Equipping children with the necessary life tools to navigate the emotional and mental changes that accompany this journey is of paramount importance.

The ultimate goal of counseling is for you to leave with a sense of resilience and empowerment. My aim is to impart a profound sense of inner strength, demonstrating that you possess the capability to confront and conquer life’s challenges and transitions. This newfound strength should be accompanied by a more positive and optimistic outlook on life.

Counseling Traits


Michelle Verheyen - Helping Teens Be Their Authentic Self



My professional background encompasses valuable experience gained at a community mental health facility, where I had the privilege of working with individuals in various life stages and transitions. This diverse clientele spanned crucial phases of their lives, including childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. During my tenure at this facility, I engaged with individuals grappling with a spectrum of mental health diagnoses, including depression, social anxiety, PTSD, and general anxiety disorder. This work allowed me to acquire a repertoire of interventions designed to help clients regulate their emotions and navigate the complexities of life’s stressors.

In my approach to counseling, I draw inspiration from a fusion of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These complementary methods empower me to assist you in acknowledging and accepting unwelcome thoughts without allowing them to influence your mood and behavior negatively. Although we may not always have control over the thoughts that emerge in our minds, we do have the power to determine our responses to them.



“Don’t forget to stop and enjoy life.”

Master’s Degree

Clinical Psychology at Roosevelt University

Clinical License

LPC – Licensed Professional Counselor

License No. – 178.019182

Recreational Activities

Playing Arcade Games


Watching Movies




Taking Pictures

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~ Immediate Openings ~

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Please know if you are available for a 12pm appointment that would be the start time of the appointment, not the end of the appointment time.
If selected, your son or daughter would be given a Letter of Excuse so that they are not marked unexcused during their appointment time.