Have you ever had the feeling of being bogged down, each week feeling tedious and long? How about wondering why you even try to continue each week with the same routines and stressors? Let me tell you, life can be difficult at times. There are going to be days, weeks, or even months that may not go your way. It can take some adjusting, but changing your mindset and looking forward to something each day can help you to keep pushing forward.

A Busy Schedule

There was a time in my life when I wondered what the point was of going through the same lull of everyday to-do lists and the ever-daunting work schedule. At that time in my life, I was a high schooler trying to keep up with friends, schoolwork, and a part-time job on the weeknights and weekends. I began to dread my ever-busy schedule. Also, I found it hard to keep up with maintaining even a normal sleep and eating schedule.

Struggling to See the Positives

I remember when I began to struggle with feeling motivated to get the things I needed to done for school. Also, I was worried about getting scheduled for another shift at my pizza place job. Then came the weekends. I generally looked forward to the weekends, but during this phase of my life, I lost all excitement of upcoming plans.

I noticed I started to get more anxiety over the weekends from the exhaustion of the long week that had just taken place. Sundays, that I would have loved because we went to church and I got to see friends, turned to panic. I began to suffer from panic attacks at night because I struggled with seeing any positives to look forward to in my week.


Wisdom from a Mentor

One day I met with a mentor of mine who told me that my mindset was getting in the way of my own motivation to work hard and see positives. At the time I was angry. I thought my mentor could not understand or relate to the stress I was feeling. But then it clicked, the words I will never forget.

She told me in life you are going to have trouble, and you aren’t always able to control it. But you can control how to react and think about your day.

She challenged me to start to find something in each day to look forward to. If you’re struggling with finding motivation in the day-to-day, this guide on Nurturing Hope and Resilience: A Guide for Young Adults Facing Isolation might offer additional insights into shifting your mindset.

A New Revelation

Even as a counselor now I find it funny, but I argued with her. I remember saying to her how do you expect me to have anything to look forward to? The holidays are over, the weather outside is less than pleasant, and I’m physically exhausted!

My mentor stopped me in my tracks and said I could start by looking forward to a nap! I have to say I remembered cracking a smile at her suggestion.

I began to think it doesn’t have to be something big like looking forward to a vacation or trip, it could be something as simple as looking forward to a nap. She expressed that there was one thing that always motivated her to finish her workday. This was coming home to her couch and watching a few episodes of Dexter on Netflix.

Something to Look Forward to

But is it really that simple? Looking forward to Netflix? The answer is “Yes!” No matter how bad of a day, week, or month, find something to look forward to. It could be seeing your best friend in one of your classes or doing a face mask, or it could be you will treat yourself to Chipotle for dinner one night. Find something to motivate yourself to enjoy each day. Research shows that having something to look forward to, even something small, can significantly improve your mood and reduce stress. For more on how small joys can enhance your mental health, check out the American Psychological Association’s article on managing stress.

positive looking forward

Find an Interest

In my adult life as a counselor now, I find that I remember those words of that mentor. And I truly make it a part of my everyday life. I force myself to find something good in each day. For example, I tend to focus on coming home to my husband and dog. I also look forward to the ability to open myself up to learning something new each day. It could be researching a topic I’m interested in or watching a hair tutorial.

There are Endless Possibilities

There are endless possibilities. It all starts with you and the mindset you choose to have. It takes practice and no one is perfect. When life is difficult, it can be a real struggle to find those positives. But, in some quiet reflecting time, you can soon learn to find even the smallest things to look forward to.

Final Thoughts

Finding something to look forward to each week doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as anticipating a favorite meal, planning a short walk, or enjoying a hobby you love. These small moments of joy can help break up the monotony of a busy schedule and provide much-needed motivation to keep going. Remember, it’s not about waiting for big events or major changes—sometimes, it’s the little things that can make the biggest difference in your outlook on life.

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