Valentine’s Day is a holiday that is set up for couples to show their love to one another. At least, that’s the message that teens are given. When you are in elementary school Valentine’s Day you were expected to give everyone a card and bring some type of snack or gift for the class. Yet, by the time you reach high school all that has stopped and Valentine’s Day is all the sudden a holiday only for couples. Teens feel judged all the time. They question if their friends truly like them, and they believe that they should be dating. This is a hard time….

Make Valentine’s Day Special for Your Teen

The one thing that I loved about Valentine’s Day was that my parents always showed their love on that day, even when we were in high school. We would receive a card and some candy. It was a small gesture, but I hold on to those moments. You don’t feel cheated or that you are invisible that day because you are recognized by someone. What can you do to show your appreciation for your son and/or daughter on Valentine’s Day?

Show Your Teen Your Appreciation

  • Write a loving note on a card. Go beyond the normal card that has all the words you want to say. Make sure you add an uplifting message on how much you care about them and how much you believe in the person they are becoming. Feeling disconnected from your teen and don’t know how to be positive? Be honest that you and your teen have been in a slump, but that you know you two will work through it and that you aren’t going to give up on them. Share happy memories in the card and how you know you guys will get back to those type of moments.
  • Get them a small gift such as flowers or candy. Candy is always a way to show love on Valentine’s Day!! It’s even better when the person knows you so well that they get you your favorite candy. It sends the message that I took time to know your favorite and I care. Flowers are always a bonus. Teens often don’t receive flowers until much later from a significant other. Why not be the person to show them what they deserve now and in the future?
  • Spend time with them individually after school. Sometimes the best gift we can provide is our time. This sends a message to them that they are important and valued. It doesn’t have to be tons of time or something that leads you spending a lot of money. You can do something simple. Bake together, watch a movie, play board games, or simply tell them some of your favorite memories.

Shower them with Positivity

Love is a beautiful thing, but teens often are looking for love from anyone who will show them attention. Help them to know what they deserve when it comes to love and how to show it appropriately. Be kind in words to your teen, shower them with positivity, spend quality time with them, and you will see a difference in your teenager.

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