There are times where it is difficult to cope with the stress of anxiety, depression, or anger.
Therefore, we want to find a way to escape the pain, but we do not know how to get there. In counseling, coping skills are a constant topic! Coping skills help teens and adults deal with the everyday problems that occur. As adults, we may use them and not really think about it because we know they work on helping us feel better. However, teens sometimes do not know what to do and this causes more sadness, worry, or anger.
By giving them options it helps them to find ways to better relax and make healthier choices. Also, teens who use their coping skills are able to find internal motivation to accomplish tasks easier than teens who do not.
Here is a list of coping skills that teens I work with use and have been the most effective and useful way to help them feel better.
Asking for a counseling session
Going for a walk
Watching YouTube videos (comedies)
Going for a drive or ride
Positive self-talk
Taking a hot bath/shower
Setting goals
Texting a friend
Spending time with a favorite family member
Going out to see a friend
Watching a favorite tv show
Playing a game (video game, board game, or phone app)
Working out
Redecorating their room
Reading a book
Watching a motivational video
Saying 5 positive things about yourself
Staying off social media for a while (hours or days)
Cooking or baking